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  Cologne :
Walking tours in Cologne - Individual programs with
Your guides and guided tours in Cologne and Surroundings

TOUR-AGENTUR - Citytours in Cologne

Hohe Pforte 22, D-50676 Köln  
Fon: +49 (0)221. 9 3 272 63 - Fax: 0221. 9 3 272 64
eMail : - LatLon-Guide

Internet : (German)

Do you like to see Cologne, the Cathedral and the museums? Do you prefer to taste in the many breweries the differences between the typical Cologne beer sorts? We have got over twenty sorts of the "Kölsch" as the local beer is called. We tell you all about the tradtion of brewing and afterwards you know the difference between a "Köbes" and a "Zappes". And you will know the Cologne menu, so that you don't order a "Halve Hahn" wishing half a chicken.

Do you know Cologne already a bit and you have special interests? What about a tour into the underground discovering a part of the roman sewer or the roman governor's palace, the Praetorium? Or do you want to discover Cologne on your own on a rally on foot like a paper chase? Afterwards a trained guide will tell you the right answers an will give you background information.

We offer you classic city tours and special guided tours in Cologne and the surroundings.

Please Note LatLon: Tour-Agentur is a guides agency who works independently from LatLon-Europe. Please contact her directly to book your guided tour of Cologne. We wish you a great vacation!
City tour 1: Cologne Highlights in Short

You have very little time, but you want to see the Cologne highlights?

This walking tour takes you back to the origins of the city and shows you a bit of Roman feeling for luxury. Of course you will find out why the people of Cologne wanted to build the world’s highest church in the Middle Ages, but then stopped the construction process after 300 years. Furthermore, we will tell you how the Cathedral nevertheless was completed centuries later. Then you will get an impression of the bustling life in the narrow streets and passages of the old town.

The walking tour “Cologne Highlights” takes 60 minutes.
The gross price for a small group of maximum 5 persons in English is 111 €, for a group up to 12 persons 121 € for a group up to 20 persons 141 € (including VAT).

Your Guides :
You are accompanied by a guide who was trained according to the directives of the German Association of Tourist Guides (BVGD). Many of our guides meet the European training standards for guides (DIN EN 15565) and have a BVGD certificate DIN EN.

To book your guided tour:
Please make your reservation by telephone (+49 (0)221. 9 3 272 63)
by e-mail or with our new website (LatLon-Cologne).

Your e-mail should include the following information:
Your complete contact details - Choice and the date of the tour - Number of participants
City tour 2: Cologne from A to Z

This walking tour gives you a feeling for Roman, medieval and contemporary Cologne. Discover the brilliant urban infrastructure of the Roman “Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium” with its network of streets, its fresh water provision and its waste water disposal systems.

In the Middle Ages, the people of Cologne claimed to have as many churches as days in the year. Many of them were demolished in the phase of secularisation in the early 19 th century, but twelve unique churches in the Romanesque style remain, and furthermore several Gothic churches, above all the Cathedral. Of course you will find out why the people of Cologne wanted to build the world’s highest church in the Middle Age, but stopped the construction process after 300 years. Furthermore, we will tell you how the Cathedral was nevertheless completed centuries later. Fortunately, the Cathedral survived the bombing of Cologne during World War II fairly well. After the war, the centre of Cologne was reconstructed rather hurriedly, but the narrow streets and passages of the old town still give you an impression of life as it was centuries ago.

This guided tour takes 1,5 hour. The gross price for a small group of maximum 5 persons in English is 166 €, for a group up to 12 persons 153 € for a group up to 20 persons 173 € (including VAT).

Your Guides :
You are accompanied by a guide who was trained according to the directives of the German Association of Tourist Guides (BVGD). Many of our guides meet the European training standards for guides (DIN EN 15565) and have a BVGD certificate DIN EN.

To book your guided tour:
Please make your reservation by telephone (+49 (0)221. 9 3 272 63)
by e-mail or with our new website (LatLon-Cologne).

Your e-mail should include the following information:
Your complete contact details - Choice and the date of the tour - Number of participants
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City tour 3: Cologne from A to Z with In-Door Visit

Additionally to the walking tour Cologne from A to Z, visits to the interior of Cologne sights can be arranged: the Cathedral, to the Praetorium (palace of the governors of the Roman emperors) with a part of the Roman sewer system, to the Roman-Germanic Museum or the Cologne Municipal Museum.

This combined guided tour takes 2 hours to 2,5 hours.
The price of this tour depends on the number of participants, the choice of sites visited (two or three) and entrance tickets. Price per e-mail.

In-Door Visit to choose:

Cologne Cathedral

The Roman - Germanic Museum - Pure luxury!

Praetorium and Roman Sewer Channel

Cologne Municipal Museum

Additional information about this tour

Your Guides :
You are accompanied by a guide who was trained according to the directives of the German Association of Tourist Guides (BVGD). Many of our guides meet the European training standards for guides (DIN EN 15565) and have a BVGD certificate DIN EN.

To book your guided tour:
Please make your reservation by telephone (+49 (0)221. 9 3 272 63)
by e-mail or with our new website (LatLon-Cologne).

Your e-mail should include the following information:
Your complete contact details - Choice and the date of the tour - Number of participants

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Sightseeing tours in Cologne :    Some other Walking tours in Cologne

City tour 4: Underworld Walking Tour
Under today’s Cologne street level, the debris of 2000 years of urban culture is hidden. After World War II, before the reconstruction process set in, archaeologists revealed the remains of many impressive features. Some of them we will present to you during a walking tour in the Cologne underworld. more information... -
On the English version of the site you will find:
- Sights and monuments
- The history of the city of Cologne
- Museums and events throughout the year
- A choice of hotels and restaurants
- A city map
- Useful information and weblinks
- Guided tours
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