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  Germany - Guides and city tours :
“You've already booked your hotel! What about a tour guide by city?”
The most beautiful cities of Germany with your private tour guide

Germany is a fascinating travel destination. Despite the fact that most of its cities were destroyed in WWII the country boasts a unique heritage. Today its cultural treasures are well taken care of: Old buildings have been lovingly refurbished, some have even been rebuilt from scratch. Besides the country has a beautiful variety of scenery to discover, from the summits of the Alps and the valley of river Rhine to the shores of the North and the Baltic Sea. Discover Germany's most beautiful cities on a customized trip or on fascinating guided tours with your own personal guide.

Visit especially if you have not decided yet where to go on your next city break. On these pages we present several German cities and other interesting destinations in Europe, including detailed information about sights & monuments, history, museums and much more.

On the website you can find a guide for your next vacation at one click. This offer is brand-new (online since August 2011, official launch in December). Therefore we are still expanding our choice of tour guides. As we are working on improving our offer, we would very much appreciate your help. Please contact us if you would like to recommend a guide to us and please recommend our website.

Tour guides from any city in Europe are also welcome to contact us.

We wish you a wonderful stay in Germany.

Sightseeing tours and guides in Germany:

   Guided tours of in English

  Below a few examples: These guides offer a variety of different tours 

COLOGNE : Guided tours of Geneva with Tour-Agentur

Guided tour : Cologne from A to Z

n the Middle Ages, the people of Cologne claimed to have as many churches as days in the year. Many of them were demolished in the phase of secularisation in the early 19 th century, but twelve unique churches in the Romanesque style remain, and furthermore several Gothic churches, above all the Cathedral. Of course you will find out why the people of Cologne wanted to build the world’s highest church in the Middle Age, but stopped the construction process after 300 years. Furthermore, we will tell you how the Cathedral was nevertheless completed centuries later. Fortunately, the Cathedral survived the bombing of Cologne during World War II fairly well. After the war, the centre of Cologne was reconstructed rather hurriedly, but the narrow streets and passages of the old town still give you an impression of life as it was centuries ago.

Some other Walking tours in Cologne with Tour-Agentur
Guided tour : "Cologne Highlights in Short"
Guided tour : "Cologne from A to Z with In-Door Visit"
Guided tour : "Underworld Walking Tour"

Click here for guided tours of Cologne
Guides in BERLIN
Guides in POTSDAM
Guides in COLOGNE
Guides in HAMBURG
Guides in LUBECK
Guides in BREMEN
Guides in MUNICH
Guides in LEIPZIG
Guides in DRESDEN
Guides in FREIBURG
Guided tours of
with Tour-Agentur

"Cologne Highlights in Short"

"Cologne from A to Z"

"Cologne from A to Z with In-Door Visit

Click here for guided tours of Cologne
Guided tours of
with Jean-Pierre Andreae

"Historical Berlin"

"World Heritage Museum Island"

Prenzlauer Berg"

Click here for guided tours of Berlin
Guided tours of
with Barbara Rubert

Guided tours in Frankfurt

Wonderful Wiesbaden

Tour "Rhine Valley and Loreley Rock"

Click here for guided tours of Frankfurt
Guided tours of
with Heidi Paizs

"Charming Dresden"

"Pillnitz -
an Asian styled pearl on the banks of the river Elbe"

"The spendour of Dresden"

Click here for guided tours of Dresden
Guided tours of
with Denise Faessel

  Sightseeing tour (bus)

  Discover Hamburg with the boat

  Excursion in Lübeck & Bremen

Click here for guided tours of Hamburg
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